Riktig God Lørdag Alle Sammen <3
I dag er en dag jeg har ventet 5 dager på, det høres kansje helt sprøtt ut, men det er en veldig viktig dag, spesielt for meg. Nå har det seg slik at jeg bor i Bodø, mens min kjæreste bor 5 timer unna, å det er med tog. Så i dag, rundt kl halv ett, skal jeg nok en gang ta toget for å hilse på ham og den nydelige sønnen hans. Å selv om det bare er fem dager siden vi så hverandre sist, føles det som en hel hevighet å være uten min lille nye familie <3
Som jeg bare elsker mer og mer for vær dag som går <3
Henning og jeg har snart vært sammen i snart 2 månder, og noe av de første tingene jeg la merke til er at han er en veldig god pappa, oppmerksom, forståelsesfull og veldig romantisk. Romansen er noe han viser meg vær dag i en koselig melding eller i en hanling som tar pusten av meg. I romjula var en av de gangene han tok pusten fra meg, i syv enkle røde perfekte hjerter.
Jeg satt hjemme, hadde akkurat snakket med Henning i tlf, vi legger på og noen minutter senere tikker det inn en melding med ett bilde av syv små papir hjerter. Når jeg ser nermere etter, står det ett ord i hvert av hjertene og jeg blir helt mål løs. I hjertene står det mange flotte ord, som symboliserer ting vi savner og ting som vi vil sammen, å det var nok denne meldingen som gjorde at jeg ble hodestups forelsket i denne fantastiske MANNEN <3
(For å få klarere bilder, klikk på dem så blir dem større)
Today is a day I've been waiting five days on, is sounds totally crazy but it's avery important day, especially for me. Now it is so happeened that I live in Bodø (north of Norway), while my boyfriend live 5 hours away, by train. So today, around half past twelve, I will once again take the train to visiting him and his gorgeous son. Even though there are only five days since we saw each other, it feels like a whole life time to be withhout my little new famely <3
A family I jyst love more and more <3
Henning and I, have been together for almost two months, and some of the first things I noticed, is that he's a really good dad, attentive, responsive and very romantic. The romance is something he shows me every day in a cozy message, or he take my breath away, and do something nice to or for me. In the Christmas, was one of those times he took my breath away, in seven simple red perfect hearts.
I sat at home, had just talked to Henning in the phone, and a few minutes later I receives an SMS with a picture of seven small paper hearts. When I look closer by, it says one word in each of the hearts. In the hearts says many great words, symbolizing things we miss, and things that we will together, it was most likely this message that made me madly in love with this amazing MAN <3
Today is a day I've been waiting five days on, is sounds totally crazy but it's avery important day, especially for me. Now it is so happeened that I live in Bodø (north of Norway), while my boyfriend live 5 hours away, by train. So today, around half past twelve, I will once again take the train to visiting him and his gorgeous son. Even though there are only five days since we saw each other, it feels like a whole life time to be withhout my little new famely <3
A family I jyst love more and more <3
Henning and I, have been together for almost two months, and some of the first things I noticed, is that he's a really good dad, attentive, responsive and very romantic. The romance is something he shows me every day in a cozy message, or he take my breath away, and do something nice to or for me. In the Christmas, was one of those times he took my breath away, in seven simple red perfect hearts.
I sat at home, had just talked to Henning in the phone, and a few minutes later I receives an SMS with a picture of seven small paper hearts. When I look closer by, it says one word in each of the hearts. In the hearts says many great words, symbolizing things we miss, and things that we will together, it was most likely this message that made me madly in love with this amazing MAN <3
De syv hjertene danner ordene:
Omsorg - Lykke - Tro - Framtid - Nærhet - Håp - Kjærlighet
Dette er små symboler i form av små hjerter, på ting som vi har partet om.
Jeg studerte hjertene en etter en og tårene mine rant nedover kinnene mine, mens betydningen av denne handlingen gikk opp for meg.
Ikke bare kommer Henning til å bestandig være her for meg, men at han lagde noe i papir til meg, disse nydelige hjertene, er også ett symbol på at han vet hvor viktig denne hobbyen er for meg og at han ALDRI kommer til å ta den i fra meg eller bruke den i mot meg.
The seven hearts forming the words:
Caring - Happiness - Believe - Future - Proximity - Hope - Love
These are small symbols in the form of small hearts on the things that we have talked about. I studied the hearts one by one, and my tears flowed down my cheeks, while the importance of this action dawned on me.
Not only is Henning always be here for me, but he made something in paper to me, these lovely hearts, is also a symbol that he knows how important this hobby is for me and that he NEVER going to take it from me or use it against me.
The seven hearts forming the words:
Caring - Happiness - Believe - Future - Proximity - Hope - Love
These are small symbols in the form of small hearts on the things that we have talked about. I studied the hearts one by one, and my tears flowed down my cheeks, while the importance of this action dawned on me.
Not only is Henning always be here for me, but he made something in paper to me, these lovely hearts, is also a symbol that he knows how important this hobby is for me and that he NEVER going to take it from me or use it against me.
Jeg spurte Henning om jeg kunne få disse Hjertene og bruke dem til ett spesielt prosjekt, å det fikk jeg.
Jeg kjøpte en bilderamme, en gnske kraftig en, som måler innvendig 30,5cm x 30,5cm. Jeg skjærte til midten, for å få en større firkant til det jeg hadde i tankene.
Jeg tok ett hvit bazzill ark, hentet fram den røde woks tråden min og begynte å lage Henning, så lille Henrik og så meg.
Vår lille familie, laget i strek menn og rød woks tråd.
I asked Henning if I could get these hearts and use them for a special project.
I bought a picture frame, one lage one, which measures internal 30,5cm x 30,5cm. I cut the middle, to get a larger square to what I had in mind.
I took one white Bazzill sheets, used a red woks thread and began making Henning so hes son Henrik and saw me.
Our little family, made with red woks thread.
I asked Henning if I could get these hearts and use them for a special project.
I bought a picture frame, one lage one, which measures internal 30,5cm x 30,5cm. I cut the middle, to get a larger square to what I had in mind.
I took one white Bazzill sheets, used a red woks thread and began making Henning so hes son Henrik and saw me.
Our little family, made with red woks thread.
Woks tråden er festet med Quick Glue fra Panduro og grunnen til den mørke røde fargen, skylles at de ikke skal skille seg for mye ut i forhold til fargene på hjertene.
The Woks thread is fastened with Quick Glue from Panduro and why the dark red color, becuse I dont whant them to stand too much out, becuse of the colors on the hearts .
The Woks thread is fastened with Quick Glue from Panduro and why the dark red color, becuse I dont whant them to stand too much out, becuse of the colors on the hearts .
Når jeg var ferdig med tråden, plasserte jeg hjertene over med litt dobbelsidig tape og rammet det hele inn <3
When I was finished with the thread, I placed the hearts over with some double sided tape and then I frame it all in <3
When I was finished with the thread, I placed the hearts over with some double sided tape and then I frame it all in <3
Dette ble vårt første familie protrett sammen og selve bildet henger hjemme på veggen til Kjæresten som inspirerer meg til å lage slike prosjekter som dette <3
Allerede nå har jeg ideer på flere av disse prosjektene, med tanke på vår felles fremtid sammen <3
This was our first family protrett together and the picture hanging on the wall at home to boyfriend, that inspires me to create such projects like this <3
Already now I have ideas on several of these projects, in terms of our common future together <3
This was our first family protrett together and the picture hanging on the wall at home to boyfriend, that inspires me to create such projects like this <3
Already now I have ideas on several of these projects, in terms of our common future together <3
Klem fra en meget glad og lykkelig Silje Kristin <3